Friday, January 4

Five Minute Friday: Opportunity

Five Minute Friday

It's the first Friday of 2013! That means it's time for Five Minute Friday! Did you miss it? I did! My mind is still a jumbled mess, but it felt good to sit down and write... Hope it makes sense! :)

You really should join this wonderful community of encouragers. I had so much fun chatting on twitter for a half hour before I went to bed. Such a blessing to connect with the lovely #FMFParty friends... some I was able to meet at Allume, some I'm still waiting to meet in real life!

So it's time to write for FIVE MINUTES. Get the whole scoop over here at Lisa-Jo's, and then join in!

Today's Prompt: Opportunity

Each day is a new opportunity, to put behind and forget the mistakes of yesterday, to fall forward into grace and new mercies.  But it is not just every morning. It's every moment of the day. Each moment is a fork in the road and an opportunity to show the love of Christ, to make the most of my time, to bring glory to God's name.

My life is a canvas of opportunities, with God drawing, painting, leading, correcting always with grace.  I don't know what comes next. I just know that I have a lot of opportunities, a lot of dreams (you might even be tired of hearing all about them). I do a lot of thinking, a lot of talking, now I want to take some action.

Don't miss these opportunities. A chance to connect with friends. An opportunity to bless with my writing. A prompt to send some real (handmade) mail to encourage someone. A chance to give grace to my kids. The moment I choose to serve my husband. Giving, praying, loving, caring.

God gives so many opportunities, I want my eyes to be wide open to them. To know that "this is not an interruption, this is an opportunity."  To be filled with the Spirit from this day forward.

no turning back.


What opportunities are you facing today?


  1. Amen! "My life is a canvas of opportunities, with God, with grace." Let it be so.

  2. So many beautiful things in this post, Julie, but I was really struck with the line that "each day is an opportunity... to fall forward into grace and new mercies." I love that!!! Thank you for a beautiful post and for beautiful YOU!

  3. I totally agree with you! Each morning, when I open my eyes, I have the opportunity to thank God for giving me breath to live another life fully serving Him and giving me the opportunities to share Him with others. Thanks for this beautiful post!

    Lorie @ Memoirs of a Sandy Soul

  4. Oh this is beautiful. Falling forward into grace on a canvass of opportunity. Thank you for painting this so beautifully!

  5. I too loved "My life is a canvas of opportunities"... wow! Paint Your picture Lord... with my life, my actions, my recognizing things as NOT being interruptions! Wow! So good!

  6. HI Julie Anne, I've enjoyed reading your words and the imagery that "my life is a canvas of opportunities with God..." is a beautiful thing! (And thanks for commenting on my post too!)
    More Grace,

  7. oh, the opportunity to send 'real' true! Blessings friend

  8. I loved finding your blog through FMF! I also linked to Ann Voskamp's post about falling forward. Such an encouraging concept. Keep up the beautiful reflections!

  9. Thank you, Julie Anne, for a thoughtful post. It made me feel as if I was falling forward into the grace of beautiful words. I really enjoyed this, thank you.
    Nice meeting you at FMF.
    Much love

  10. You have such an amazing blog, so glad I found it today!

  11. Oh yes! To refocus and recognize interruptions as opportunities - my heart needed that word tonight! Isn't that how blessings are realized, gifts received, in the unexpected moments that only God could plan?

  12. "From this day forward" Amen!!!


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