Monday, January 3

God's greatest gift

Okay, I started this blog the first week of December... now it is a month later, and somehow I didn't add a SINGLE entry to my #1000gifts list!!  soo frustrating for me, but I will keep trying!!!  so it is no longer December, but I will make an effort to recap the month in blessings!!

It's December... all things Christmas... lights, music, trees, presents, decorations, candles, carols, red, green, snowflakes (and even a few reindeer and Santa) This is a time of year when it is easy to see the ENDLESS gifts God has bestowed on me!! but for now, we are just working on listing 1000 gifts with Ann Voskamp at

201. a date night with my hubby at the beginning of December.
202. Celebrating God's goodness to the Scranton Rescue Mission at their annual banquet.
203. laughing with/at 321 Improv comedy
204. a morning out with childcare at the church... I love our mom's ministry!!
205. a date DAY with my hubby... lunch out, Christmas shopping, a movie, grocery shopping
206. FREE childcare!!
207. getting the perfect Christmas tree and filling it with colored lights!
208. decorating our new house for Christmas
209. Our children's Christmas program... so sweet, so cute
210. ...even if my sweet little 4 Year Old almost stole the show with her boredom on stage!!
211. having our "baby Jesus" from the FisherPrice little people Nativity set survive some time in the diaper pail! :)
212. Christmas lights
213. making cookies with the kids
214. Luvs diapers
215. finishing my Christmas shopping early this year!
216. making some handmade ornaments
217. fun homemade teacher Christmas gifts this year
218. 2 weeks of NO alarm setting or school lunch making
219. watching "It's a Wonderful Life"
220. reading the Jesus Storybook Bible for our "almost" daily advent reading
221. serving at the Scranton Rescue Mission.
222. giving thanks for a warm bed, too many clothes, plenty of food, a home to go to!
223. having my family come and visit for 2 days... including my FATHER, who hates to travel!!
224. celebrating an early Christmas with them
225. having my husband's family come and visit for Christmas!!
226. COUSINS!!
227. Christmas cookies
228. card games with the fam
229. making handmade note cards again!!
230. Scripture... especially the Psalms!!
231. pajama days
232. watching The Princess Bride on New Year's Eve with my hubby!!
233. homemade eggnog

sometimes it seems that those who join #1000gifts always wax so eloquent in their lists... me, I am just lucky to get it typed out.  Either way, I know that God hears me counting my blessing and he sees my heart!!  I will try to do better next week (in other words, not wait another month to post again!)

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