Friday, July 22



"The blood of the Lamb is like a great river of infinite grace 
      with never any diminishing of its fullness
      as thirsty ones without number drink of it."

I've been reading The Valley of Vision with the reading plan that Ann Voskamp shared a week or two ago;  and this was part of today's 12:00 reading (pg 173)

and immediately I thought "FULL" because I knew that was the prompt for Five Minute Friday.

which led my brain to, "There is a fountain Filled with Blood, drawn from Immanuel's vein. and sinners plunged beneath that flood, lose all their guilty stains"  So thankful that I am filled with the blood and emptied of the guilty stains!

and that brought me around to my childhood and the song Deep and Wide, which doesn't really explain what the fountain is, but I know

Deep and Wide, Deep and Wide, there's a fountain flowing deep and wide.
Deep and Wide, Deep and Wide, there's a fountain flowing deep and wide.

It flows for me, it flows for you
and all that we have to do,
is plunge beneath the crimson flow
that washes white as snow...

So thankful for that little song addition that I learned during college!!

I am thankful for the Crimson Flow that washes me and FILLS me.

not much, but there is my thoughts on FULL... linked up to Five Minute Friday!


  1. Hi! I'm visiting from Five Minute Friday. I love the connection from song to song here. There's a Fountain Filled with Blood is a hymn that I hear less and less often in church - but what a good message it has!


  2. Love this!!! Beautiful!

    Hope you have a wonderful week,
    Melanie :)


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