Wednesday, August 24

cooking lessons

a re-post from January 8, 2010, another one of my positive mom moments!

My 4 YO received some kid-sized cooking utensils and an apron for Christmas from my mom.  We returned home from all our holiday travels on Sunday, and every day since then she has been BEGGING me to let her cook with me (I don't have lots of space and even less patience and 3 other little ones that want to be involved, so I was NOT looking forward to it).  Someone on facebook gave me a recommendation of something easy like eggs or french toast, so I caved.

We had french toast for dinner last night!!  This is how it went down.

Cracking the eggs  ("mommy, my thumb is slimy")

Whisking the eggs

dipping the bread

THROWING it on to the griddle (she did NOT want to burn herself)

flipping the french toast (her favorite part, once she got over her fear of burning herself)

eating the french toast she made!

she was soo proud of herself and couldn't wait to serve Daddy when he got home from work!!

then she wanted to do the dishes...  her uncle couldn't believe I made her do this part (I do have a dishwasher) but she insisted!! :)

scrubbing away!

"Mom, I am too busy cleaning to smile for a picture"

I surprised myself with how much fun we had... even with the others all clamoring for a part of the action.

On that note, I am teaching my 3 YO to make her own PB and J sandwiches... she still needs a lot of help, but at least we are starting somewhere!!

then the 6 1/2 YO wanted to help, too!!  This morning he had a 2 hour delay, so he begged for french toast.  the only part he did was the whisking and the flipping and he burned himself on the first flip... not such a great success story and no photos.  maybe next time will be better!!

any suggestions for how to incorporate my kids in kitchen help??? (especially when they ALL want to be in on the action and I go crazy very fast!!)  My 2 YO (next week) is trying to do it all, too!!

I hope you enjoyed my story!!!

* My kids are now 8, 6, almost 5, and 3 1/2, and they still don't get to help in the kitchen much.
*reading this post reminded me that I need to get my kids more involved in the kitchen again.  They have been doing dishes a lot more lately (since we moved I no longer have a dishwasher :( so sad)
* I would still love your suggestions on how you incorporate your kids in the kitchen work, and how much meal prep you let them do (I still serve up all their food and cut it for them, which is crazy when there is four of them)

1 comment:

  1. Peanut butter/banana sandwiches!
    My kids used to love to make their own to take to the beach!


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