Monday, January 16

Joy Dare ~week 2

I feel like I should come up with a better title to these posts... but sometimes the creativity just doesn't flow. The gifts, however, the infinite, 1000 gifts --They keep coming. I so appreciated this week of looking for gifts following Ann Voskamp's Joy Calendar.

January 9:
25. snuggly toddler after naptime
26. hazy moon in the sky
27. sitting with kids at dinnertime
January 10:
28. Sweet gift today: love note from my 6YO

29. Sour gift today: my girls faces when I made them eat celery!
30. Just right gift: leftover stuffed pepper soup for lunch

January 11:
31. yellow Clearance signs

32. My girls' bedroom
33. smiley face magnets on my fridge
January 12:
roof over my head on cold, windy, rainy night
35. fuzzy slippers on my feet
36. prayers and time with mom's group at church
January 13:
Overheard no. 1 ~my kids' excitement as they shouted, "It's Snowing!!"
Overheard no. 2 ~almost 4YO singing, "I'm in the Lord's Army" over and over!
Overheard no. 3 ~hubby whispering sweet nothings in my ear...
January 14:
40. kids paying Lego without fighting

41. forgiveness and fresh starts
42. peace when plans change
January 15:
43. thankful for my husband's parka to keep me warm while taking care of the chickens!!

44. shared time with my honey while doing dishes and working on our puzzle
45. giving the gift of handmade baby-themed thankyou notes to mom-to-be

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