Monday, May 13

Five Minute Friday: Comfort

Five Minute Friday


There is something to be said for a warm cup of coffee and cozy fleece blanket and a good book! And on this freezing cold Monday after Five Minute Friday: Comfort, that is just what I could go for...

but the writing needs to be done. and sometimes there is comfort in the writing. When my thoughts are all ajumble and I can't make heads or tails of my feelings, then writing puts it out on paper, helps me sort it out.

When I'm overwhelmed with daily life and the to-do list is long and overwhelming, a 10 minute writing can clear my head. My writing so often gets done in the after, but when I make the time for it, even in the after, then truth comes out... and it blesses my heart when it encourages others.

I wrote this post last week and when I received just one comment, I knew that I had written and shared what I was supposed to. It didn't need to reach hundreds. It just needed to reach one, ... and look, it reached more than one.

And when I need the reminder that I don't have to save the world, I just need to reach the world God gave me; I take comfort in knowing that God knows who I am supposed to be reaching... my family, my friends, my blog readers, maybe you! There is comfort in doing just what God wants you to do... and it eases my worries and fears about doing it all.

I Peter 5:6-7 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God ... casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

Psalm 37:5 Commit thy way unto The Lord: trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.

Community Conversation: What Scripture do you take comfort in?


  1. I think we are kindred spirits! I read your other post. Both that and this one are completely in the spectrum of my heart! Thank you for sharing yours. What scripture do I take comfort in? Because of my sensitive heart I think I most often turn to Romans 8:26 and knowing the Spirit is often interceding on my behalf. The other, our family's mantra, is Mathew 6:33... it isn't about what we can do. It is about seeking first the Kingdom and the rest will come as God ordains it! Blessings to you!

    1. OH, I LOVE Romans 8:26... so often I just don't know what to say, and I'm so blessed to remember that HE intercedes for me!

  2. Thanks for your words and the reminder that "I don't have to save the world, I just need to reach the world God gave me." To that I can only say, "Amen"!

  3. I love the idea that I am only supposed to do what I am supposed to do and not what someone else is supposed to do. When Peter asked Jesus what would happen to John he essentially said that is none of your business. I probably need to read those verses with my name and a blank for whoever else on a daily basis. It truly is a comfort.

    1. Oh, yes! I am so much more like Peter than I want to admit!

  4. Thanks for this! I'm glad I'm not the only one who did Five Minute Monday instead! And thanks for the reminder to just focus on touching the world God gave us, not necessarily the whole world!

    1. there is always grace at Five Minute Friday! I'm daily working to focus on just what is in front of me!


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