Tuesday, January 14

You Didn't Miss Your Chance

Can I encourage your heart today? As we start this new year and it's flying by and we are already half way into the first month of the new year, you might wonder if it's too late to get started.

Can I encourage you that if you don't know what your dream is... just do something.

Can I encourage you when you wonder if you missed your chance...

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Sometimes I think that maybe I should have chosen a different word for 2014...Perhaps, the opposite of the word Procrastination --- proactive, maybe?

Because when you have an idea in your head and you don't write your words down, you discover a week later that Jeff Goins has already written the post for you. He may be a more experienced writer than I am, but here's my two cents.

I started the year with the reminder that His mercies are new every morning... not just on the first of the year. That still applies this week, because today is Tuesday and I meant to write this post last Wednesday, and in reality I meant to write it the week before so that it would be ready to post last Wednesday.  I want to encourage your heart today because my heart needs to be encouraged. 

So let me encourage you... the sun has not yet set...

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You didn't miss your chance on pursuing your dreams
on starting fresh for the new year
on choosing a OneWord365 for 2014

It's not too late
--to start reading your bible
--to open an etsy shop
--to read a new book (or finish one you've neglected)
--to restore a relationship
--to ... you fill in the blank

It's not too late, you didn't miss your chance!!

In your dreaming, in your life, when you don't want to take the next step or just don't know what the next step is... Can I just encourage you to take one more step? Make His Word your lamp and one step is all you need to take.


  1. Such a great reminder...it's never too late! Love your heart, friend. Be blessed today. :)


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