Tuesday, February 18

Five Minute Friday: Garden

Five Minute Friday
(It's really not Friday anymore...) but I still want to write and publish this post...

It's Friday which means Five Minute Friday! and after 3 days of sitting around "snowbound," I'm extremely tired for all this sitting around and doing nothing... although I did actually make a snow angel and did a little sledding today(Friday) with my kids.

We of the #fmfparty crew sometimes get the prompt late on Thursday night. and Lisa-Jo poured out her heart about falling in love with 250 kids in Africa. And how a blogging community could come together and fund a community center for a community in Africa, starting with a "garden."

I tried writing my Five Minute Friday post last night and it just wouldn't come... So I went to bed and then I had two different ideas pop in my head regarding "Garden" so I'm going to see if I can combine them (and maybe take more than 5 minutes) :)

and then life interrupted and I didn't even write for five minutes... and now it's Tuesday night and the "garden" has been fully funded and they are moving on to the next stage, but I still want to write about Gardens...

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

Last year, I finally attempted a garden, which is funny if you know me, because I really don't like to get my hands dirty. But we went with it... My hubby bought me a book on Square Foot Gardening, he set me up a few boxes and I even bought the special soil mix to make weeds a rare occurrence.

And then I wanted to grow it all! I wanted to grow peppers and green beans and zucchini and lettuce, snap peas and carrots, radishes and even tomatoes... But when you have a square foot garden and you are just getting started and you aren't sure how committed you are going to be, doing it all isn't such a good idea. Nobody liked the radishes, the zucchini took over and killed one of my pepper plants, NONE of my snap peas grew, and I never got around to carrots. The tomatoes were harvested and canned, and we even attempted strawberries that produced a handful of sweet mini bites. And I learned a few new creative ways to use zucchini and I learned that a garden can't really produce well if you take a 2 week leave of absence.

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

When you want to get involved in serving others and you see all the great ideas and ministries and opportunities, you might be tempted to "do it all" as well. I know that I have been. I feel a pull to donate to this worthy cause and that new cause and this third world country and that big name ministry. I want to do it all. I want to plant everything. I want to give to (almost) every need I see or hear about.

But the truth of the matter is, I can't. I am just one person and I am a part of just one family living on just one income. So maybe I can't respond to each plea by Compassion or World Vision and sponsor children across the globe, and maybe I can't give to every great cause that my blogger friends support and promote.

But I can be a voice and I can pass on the opportunities, and while I missed out on joining the "garden phase" of this giving opportunity, there is still time for YOU to consider supporting this South African Community and joining Lisa-Jo Baker as she uses the gifts God has blessed her with to bless her home town in South Africa.

human blue print

Would you consider being a part?

1 comment:

  1. We can't do everything, but we can be a voice. Yes. I tried strawberries. Didn't work for me. ;)


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