Friday, May 27


So is it too late to jump into Five Minute Friday... because today was a busy day, I didn't FORGET, I promise! :)  So because it's late and my brain isn't working (I went to Walmart on a FRIDAY night... who does that???? oh wait, the whole town!)  in honor of the prompt "On Forgetting" here's a little story that happened a week or so ago that I keep FORGETTING to share, mostly because it doesn't fit into 140 characters on Twitter!  :)

Just a little conversation I had with my sweet three-year-old!!

3YO: Why did Jesus take our sins away?
me: because He loves us
3YO: I love Him, too.  Jesus is in my heart
me: How does Jesus get in your heart?
3YO: He jumps!

apparently, we have a little bit of work to do!! :)

So, it might be too late for this week, but be sure to jump on the bandwagon next week with The Gypsy Mama and Five Minute Friday!


  1. I love it...he jumps! :) And you are brave for going to Walmart on a Friday night. Very, very brave.

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Too cute! Great "On Forgetting" or maybe on "NOT forgetting" link up! Glad you squeezed in tonight!

  3. Too cute! Well, Jesus is a superhero! :-)

  4. That is cute! Lisa-Jo told me once that it's okay to link up whenever we can during the week! Glad you did!


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