Wednesday, October 5

Is my home a haven?

Oh, I so want it to be. I want my kids to WANT to be at home, to enjoy the time we spend there, to have good memories of their growing up years!!  So with the helpful challenge of Courtney at Women Living Well, I am joining up with her fall challenge!  Please take the time to read her post this week about being engaged in your home... I fail this EVERY DAY!!!  but I will not stop trying!

So this week's challenge is to buy a large candle and light it every day.  Then when you see it flickering remember to pray for the peace of your home.  I was unable to light a candle on Monday... I was in and out all day long and I have a tendency to forget to blow it out. So I did NOT light a candle in order to promote peace so my husband wouldn't be mad if he found it lit and me not home (That has happened before).
I did light one yesterday and today... I do love candles so much!  Here is today's lovely flickering flame... pray for the peace of your home!


  1. Peace is a house that didn't burn down, right? I'm worried preggo brain may forget said lit candle. Maybe I'll just work on cleaning so my house is peaceful?!?!


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