Friday, June 28

Five Minute Friday: In-Between

Five Minute Friday I'm not normally up this late, but I spent the day traveling, so I thought I would give it a go to do some writing before I went to bed.

In Between... one word or two? add a dash, make it one word...

Right now, I am smack dab in-between two Allume conferences. It was just one year ago this week, that God surprised me in a big way, by providing the finances through a complete stranger, that allowed me to go to the Allume Conference in October of 2012. The sad thing is, said donor was unable to make it to the conference and I was unable to thank her properly with a hug.

Now I look back on last year's conference and it fills me with GREAT anticipation for this year's conference. I am anticipating deep hugs from the friends I made last year and also looking forward to deep hugs with new friends I have since made on twitter... I even got brave and picked someone new for roommates.

This in-between is a delightful place to be. So many happy memories of last year's conference. So much excitement about this coming conference.  The line-up is awesome and leaves me giddy with high expectations. And the memories from last year fuel my excitement... Because this year, I know a little bit more what to expect and I can't wait!!!

Community Conversation: Were you at last year's Allume Conference? Will you be at this year's Allume Conference? What are you most looking forward to?

Thursday, June 27

Fifteen Years Ago

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Today is my wedding anniversary--Fifteen years. I confess that there are no gifts to exchange--not even a card ... It's not my love language (not that I'm excusing it). Maybe I will come up with something before the end of the day, or maybe this post will be my love gift to him. I could come up with a million excuses, but none of them are very good.

I've been planning to write a lovely blog post on this special occasion for over a week now, but I just never sat down to see what words would come out, but I can procrastinate no longer.

Today is our anniversary. Fifteen years ago, I put on a fancy white dress (fancy for me, I was a pretty simple girl back then) and you dressed in a tux and we met at the altar of my church--the only church I ever knew.

We exchanged vows, smiles, rings and a kiss. My, were we young--young, immature, no clue what we were getting in to.  I look back and smile--there are sweet memories and quite the journey.

From that first apartment with a million steps. Our first Thanksgiving when you insisted on shrimp and stunk the place up. Our first Christmas all alone--no family, no traveling, no big fancy dinner--just us.

Our first anniversary and that hike through Boulder Field and Bushkill Falls and driving the country roads of Pennsylvania. There have been job changes and church changes and new homes. And then at five years in we started adding kids to the mix--one, two, three, four ... 

and then our tenth anniversary which I can't remember at all. I'm pretty sure I spent that summer mad at the world, mad at you, mad at those four needy kids (3 of which were still in diapers) and mad at God.  Maybe you don't remember that, maybe you do ...but you just kept loving me and coming home from work every night, even when it wasn't the happiest place to be.

I'd like to think things have improved since then even though I have a relapse now and then (like yesterday). My dad sometimes says the first 20 years are the hardest in marriage--if that's the case, we've only got five hard years left--and it does keep getting better.

Now we are at fifteen years, our kids are 5, 6, 8, and 10... what will we do when they are teenagers?!??! But today, today it's you and me and God and family and friends and one day at a time and love and forgiveness. All we need is a little more laughter! 

Thank you for being my rock, my love, my balanced half. Thank you for saying "I do" fifteen years ago... and making the choice to say "I do" every morning since then!

Our most recent family picture at our Disney Vacation earlier this month...
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If you want to see some wedding photos, check out this post.
and if you want to see us through the years, check out this anniversary post.

Community Conversation: If you are married, how many years?

Tuesday, June 25

Behind the Scenes: Making Cards
One of my favorite things to do in the world is making handmade cards. But for some reason I don't do it as often as I would like. I seem to only do it when I have something specific to create... and I had a baby shower to attend. One of my favorite gifts to give is handmade thank-you notes. Every new mom (or new bride) has to write at least a few thank-you notes.

So I checked her registry looking for some color schemes. and I came up with gray/yellow (and I knew I had paper in my stash that would be perfect). So I spent a little time at my craft room creating and it came together beautifully and I made a set of 10 cards--cards that I loved so much, I almost didn't want to give them away.

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This photo is just in the process, but you catch a glimpse of my cluttered work space... miscellaneous stamps from projects of yesterdays (really it's been over 3 months since I last created, I think), a well-stamped grid paper for protecting my workspace, even the little baby in the upper right that is part of my finished cards.

Zoom out even farther and the mess gets a little bigger... paper, paper, and more paper scraps, piles of stamp sets, more ink pads, markers, colored pencils, glue sticks and other adhesives... all the tools that help me in my craft.

I love it so much, I almost want to put my laptop down and head to the basement and craft some more, but it's already past my bedtime and I'm not sure I could create something useable this late at night... maybe tomorrow.

It's funny how just spending an hour or two in my craft area revitalizes my desire to make cards on a regular basis... I just need some accountability, or a personal cheerleader, or a kick in the pants once in a while... will you help me?

Community Conversation: Do you ever send "snail mail" anymore? Are you more likely to send a card from the Dollar Store, or a handmade note? Hypothetically speaking, if you were to buy my cards, give me some ideas for creating... Color scheme, Sentiment, etc!

Friday, June 21

Five Minute Friday: Rhythm

Five Minute Friday

It's been 3 weeks since I've posted... or even written anything. But when you are trying to get started again, sometimes five minutes is all you can handle, and it's better than nothing... so here is my #fiveminutefriday.


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It seems I've lost my rhythm. It's been hiding for a while but I was in denial. I even took a blogging/social media break in an attempt to find it... but you know what???

I was too lazy to search it out. I procrastinated and found other distractions. I read more, but useless fiction reading; and I still refused to pick up the pen and write--not for fifteen minutes, not even for five.

It's not that I have nothing to say, it's that I wasn't willing to take the risk. I was going to avoid it today, too, even though I just read a post yesterday on How to Stop Procrastinating. But my dear friend, Crystal Stine, gave me a kick in the pants and I started the timer and pulled out my writing journal and a pen.

and the rhythm of my pen on paper just happened. nothing profound, nothing spiritual deep, just my words out on paper.

The rhythm may disappear for another week or the words could flow every day, but there is something about the encouragement from a friend that can help my find my rhythm.

So get out there and encourage someone to find their rhythm today!!!

Community Conversation: What are you procrastinating from today? How can I encourage you? Have you found your summer rhythm yet?

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