Friday, April 8

If you met me


If you met me, you would find a frazzled mom who can't seem to finish one sentence! :)  My conversations are often peppered with moments of answering little children, breaking up fights, wiping noses, and most recently potty training my youngest. HURRAY (but that's for another post)

If you met me, I would love it if we were at a coffee shop (then we could skip the first paragraph of distractions).  I started drinking iced coffee while pregnant with my third (she was born in early September).  and I have been hooked on it ever since!  It takes me to my happy place.

If you met me, you would see a smile, hopefully, but a very tired smile!  You would also probably see me try to show off my kids at least once... they are soo darn cute (when they are obeying and listening to me that is)

If you met me, I would definitely mention my hardworking, ruggedly handsome husband!  He puts up with so much from me as I work to figure out this journey God has me on, that I didn't plan on.

If you met me, I would be shy at first, but I would love it if you gave me a hug... I can always use a hug!

If you met me, I would love to show you my hand made notecards.  My friends and family love them, but I haven't made a go of it out there on the world wide web yet... Maybe some day!

PS. this blogpost has been interrupted by a 3YO potty break!

I would love to meet you!!


(sorry, I had to add some pictures... I love pictures, if you met me, my camera would probably be close by, too!)

Now, run don't walk to The Gypsy Mama for more Five Minute Friday


  1. Great post! And I love the pictures (and Iced Coffee....)

  2. Yes, bring on the iced coffee! And I love hugs, hugs are the best.

  3. I can relate to so much you are saying :) I often walk away from someone and think ok did I just walk away and not even finish my sentence? It would be fun to have an iced coffee together!

  4. hey there!!!

    i have a little surprise for you on my blog...
    YOU, my dear were one of the three winners!!!

    have a super weekend.

    email me:

    let me know what you had in mind for your prize. no hurry, take your time to decide. i'm always around!

  5. You had me at Starbucks!! :) Haha! Your kids are adorable (even if they are dressed)


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