Monday, February 13

Joy Dare ~week 6

Started my week of counting gifts with a bang... Day 6: 3 gifts found outside... I couldn't stop at three!!  This is so much fun, you really should give it a try!!  Start counting, find the printable calendar here, link up with Ann Voskamp, it might just change your life!

February 6:
114. hanging laundry on the line to dry... in February!!

115. sunshine and blues skies all day long!
116. the gorgeous view from my mountain

117. chickens scratching in the leaves

118. sunset in the trees

119. full moon in the sky

February 7:
120. Taco sauce (we were out last time we had tacos)
121. Valentine decorations

122. winning a Dayspring GC at the Allume Twitter party! (maybe I will buy something red)

February 8:
123. enjoying a field trip with 1st/2nd graders to a Sky Dome mobile planetarium  (we had to drive to the high school)
124. lunch with my mentor/friend
125. a quarter for my Aldi cart
126. holding a Starbucks Valentine Cup... and sharing it with my Valentine!!

February 9:
127. Unexpected deposit in our bank account that saved me from an overdraft!
128. unplanned afternoon with a friend
129. Spending OVER an hour working on a "composition" with my 3rd grade son... and having him get a 100!
130. catching the moon rise... never as awesome on my camera as in person!

February 10:
131. creating some laughter moments with my 4YO! She's a riot!!
132. laughter around the dinner table as a family
133. a silly moment with my husband after the kids were tucked in bed

February 11:
134. Grocery shopping with one child and letting her pick out some of the junk food
135. Having every family member taking part in making cookies for company

136. Running the dishwasher at the end of the day to make my workload easier

February 12:
137. the struggle of getting a family of 6 out the door for church without biting anyone's head off today (and grace for when I do)
138. Grey skies today... made by God, just like blue skies
139. the messes 6 kids make when they play together, so thankful for a whole afternoon with friends!

 What gifts did you receive this week?

1 comment:

  1. Counting thanks sure helps show the beautiful in the everyday, thanks for sharing...


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